Keep Your Money: Our filter utilizes a specially designed layer made from eco-friendly and healthy materials, unlike the imitation off-brand filter available on the market.
Prevent Clogging: The pre-filter layer captures hairs, dander, and other large particles to prevent clogging of the air purifier.
Special Silver Ion Layer: Our unique production process ensures that the silver ions in our filter react with harmful particles to produce harmless substances, a feature not found in other filters on the market.
Impressive Filtration: Our filter boasts an impressive layer capable of filtering airborne particles such as smoke, pollen, dander, hair, and odors, leading to improved air quality and better health and well-being.
Removes Unpleasant Odors: Our premium granular activated carbon filter effectively absorbs unwanted odors and fumes, including smoke, cooking odors, pet odors, and VOCs, making it an ideal choice for homes with pets, cooking, and smoking.