Maintain Your Funds: Our filter incorporates a distinct design layer made from environmentally friendly and safe materials, unlike the generic imitations on the market.
Prevent Congestion: The pre-filter layer captures hairs, dander, and other large particles to keep them out and prevent clogging of the air purifier.
Unique Allergy Filter Layer: Specially designed for pollen and pet allergies, this layer has a specialized coating to filter harmful particles and odors.
Outstanding Filtration: The filter layer effectively removes airborne pollutants such as smoke, pollen, dander, and odors, improving air quality and promoting better health.
Eliminates Unwanted Smells: The high-quality activated carbon filter absorbs unpleasant odors and fumes like smoke, cooking smells, pet odors, and VOCs, making it ideal for homes with pets, cooking, or smokers.