- Retain Your Funds: Our filter is equipped with a specially designed silver ion layer that sets us apart from imitations in the market. The materials we use are eco-friendly and safe for your health.
- Stop Blockages: Large particles like hairs and dander are trapped by the pre-filter layer, preventing the air purifier from getting clogged.
- Distinct Silver Ion Layer: Silver ions interact with harmful particles in our filter, creating harmless substances. Our unique production process is unmatched by others.
- Excellent Filtration: Our filter contains a high-quality layer that can effectively remove airborne contaminants like smoke, pollen, dander, and odors. This promotes better health and overall well-being.
- Eliminates Unwanted Smells: Our premium granular activated carbon filter physically absorbs unpleasant odors and fumes, including smoke, cooking smells, pet odors, and VOCs. Ideal for homes with pets, smokers, or cooking.